Breast Cancer Awareness: Signs, Risk Factors, and Prevention

Breast Cancer Warning Signs and How Do You Minimise Your Risk

Women with a breast cancer family history may have inherited a faulty gene that isn’t detectable by genetic testing because so many genes have yet to be found. Nearly 90% of Breast Cancer arise from acquired (rather than inherited) gene alterations. Different types of cells, which make up every component of our bodies, divide to replace worn-out ones. These cells may occasionally begin to develop out of control, leading to a mass known as a tumour. If these cells are healthy ones, the tumour is regarded as benign.

These cells are referred to be malignant or cancer cells if they are abnormal and do not perform as they should. Breast tissue cells begin to proliferate when breast cancer is present. This is first restricted to the breast tissue. In more severe instances, it may penetrate and begin to develop on the breast tissue. New tumours form when cancer spreads to other parts of the body at more advanced stages. We refer to this process as metastasis. 

In order to raise awareness and explain the stages and risk factors for breast cancer, Dr. Satish Sharma – one of the best breast cancer specialists in Ranchi explains breast cancer in further detail.

Why does breast cancer occur?

Several risk of breast cancer factors for breast cancer have been discovered over years of medical research, despite the fact that the precise reasons are still unclear. Why some women with no risk factors for Breast Cancer can also acquire it while other people with extremely high risks never do is still a mystery. Keep a close eye out for breast cancer stages, signals, risk factors, and preventative actions. 

Breast cancer risk factors include:

1. Genes 

One risk of breast cancer factor that should not be disregarded is a family history of breast cancer which is Breast Cancer Causes and should be avoided. Your chance of getting breast cancer is increased if any of your family members have the disease. Genetic testing is now an option for identifying the existence of cancer genes. Preventative actions, including a mastectomy, can be conducted in such circumstances.  

2. A poor diet

Although your preferred snack foods may include fries, hamburgers, and sodas, be aware of the harm they may inflict. Breast, stomach, intestine, mouth, and food pipe cancers can all be brought on by red meat, saturated fats, and processed foods. It’s crucial to have a balanced diet that includes lots of foods high in fibre, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, among other things. Change to lean foods like fish and chicken. It has also been demonstrated that daily use of a small amount of turmeric is beneficial. 

3. Overweight

 Obesity is a complicated illness that can cause heart disease, hypertension, type II diabetes, and other health issues. Additionally, being overweight or obese might raise your risk of developing Breast Cancer, particularly if you are post-menopausal. You are encouraged to get a mammogram for breast cancer screening in such circumstances at least once a year. If caught early, breast cancer is readily treated. Therefore, frequent screening greatly reduces the effects of breast cancer.

4. Liquor

 Alcohol intake on a regular basis raises the possibility of breast cancer.

5. Smoking

A variety of diseases, including head and neck malignancies and breast cancer, can be brought on by tobacco use, especially smoking. Many support organisations are available to assist people in giving up smoking. 

6. If you’re over 35 or a smoker, contraception pills aren’t worthwhile the risk.

There are advantages and disadvantages to using birth control tablets. A woman’s risks decrease with age. There is a little increase in breast cancer risk for women on birth control tablets. However, this danger rapidly disappears after the tablet is no longer taken. Taking the pill raises a woman’s risk of breast cancer which come fromstroke and heart attack, especially if she smokes. The risk of developing ovarian, colon, and uterine malignancies may be reduced with prolonged usage. There is a lot to be said about birth control tablets, as they also protect against unintended pregnancies. Avoiding birth control tablets is one way to reduce your chance of developing breast cancer.

7. Avoid Hormone Therapy for Menopause

Menopausal hormone replacement should not be used as a means of disease prevention over the long run. According to scientific research, it has both positive and negative impacts on health. Breast cancer risk is increased by hormones, whether oestrogen is used alone or in combination with progestin. Hormone replacement treatment for postmenopausal women should be brief if used at all. Your doctor is the most qualified person to advise you on the pros and cons of hormone treatment during menopause.

8. Raloxifene with Tamoxifen for High-Risk Women

Taking the medications tamoxifen and raloxifene can significantly reduce the incidence of breast cancer, which is a concerning signs of cancer in women, particularly those who are at high risk for the illness. Although these medications may not be generally seen as a “healthy behavior,”

These potent medications, which the FDA has approved for the prevention of breast cancer, can have adverse effects, so they aren’t suitable for everyone. Consult your doctor if you believe you are at high risk to determine whether these medications are appropriate for you.

Breast cancer Prevention

Sadly, it still isn’t possible to entirely reduce the risk of breast cancer. We have little control over risk factors such inherited variations in specific genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2), family history, etc. However, if you catch it early enough, you can lessen its effects. The best defence against breast cancer is early diagnosis. 

How frequently have you touched and glanced at your breasts to check for any changes throughout your busy day? It is advised to conduct a breast self-examination each month. You’ll become more used to your breasts as a result, making it simpler for you to see any alterations. 

When Should You Seek Medical Advice?

Ideally, if you notice any change in your breast, you should see a doctor. This might take the form of any discharge or an uncommon ache that won’t go away. The following signs of breast cancer should be taken seriously since they might be breast cancer symptoms and could indicate abnormalities in your breast. 

  • An alteration in the breast’s shape, dimension, or or appearance
  • Adjustments that affect the breast’s skin, which include dimpling
  • A bulge under the armpit or in the breast.
  • A nipple that is inverted or turned up
  • Skin that is prone to scaling, peeling, or crusting around the nipple region
  • Having red skin around your breasts
  • Any unusual secretion from the nipple, including blood 

Call To Action

We strongly advise you to see Dr. Satish Sharma, the top best oncologist in Ranchi, where the compassionate staff will do all possible to put your mind at ease while you undergo treatment. Dr. Sharma is a world-renowned cancer doctor who has made it his mission in life to spread health and wellness to all corners of the globe. When it comes to breast cancer specialist in Ranchi, no one does it better than Dr. Sharma, who offers individualised plans, thorough interpretation of test results, and access to all available cancer treatment options. To take the first step towards better health, contact us now. The challenges of cancer treatment may be met head-on with the aid of friends and family, and you can get the help you need to go ahead with your life.