
chemotherapy treatment


What is Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a medical treatment that destroys your body’s quickly multiplying cells by using strong chemicals. Chemotherapy is most frequently used to treat cancer because cancer cells reproduce and develop faster than most body cells. Chemotherapy medications come in a wide variety. Chemotherapy drugs can be used individually or in combination to treat a wide variety of cancers.
Even though chemotherapy is a beneficial treatment for many cancer types, side effects are possible. While some chemotherapy side effects are minimal and controllable, some could have detrimental repercussions. You get the best treatment from the most popular chemotherapy specialist in Ranchi: Dr. Satish Sharma!

What can you expect from chemotherapy?

Choosing the chemotherapy medications you’ll take, top chemotherapists in Ranchi bases the chemotherapy medications you’ll receive on several variables, including:

  • Cancer types
  • Cancer stage
  • General wellbeing
  • Prior cancer therapies
  • Your preferences and goals

Talk to Dr. Satish Sharma about your treatment options. You and your partner can determine what is best for you.

Chemotherapy Drugs

Chemotherapy drugs can be given in the following ways:

  • Chemotherapy infusions: Most frequently, chemotherapy is administered through a vein infusion (intravenously). The medications can be helped by inserting a tube with a needle into an arm vein or a chest vein.
  • Chemotherapy pills: Some chemotherapy medications are available as pills or capsules.
  • Chemotherapy shots: Chemotherapy medications can be administered intravenously, much like a shot.
  • Chemotherapy creams: Some forms of skin cancer can be treated using creams or gels that contain chemotherapy medications.
  • Chemotherapy drugs used to treat one area of the body: Drugs used in chemotherapy can be administered directly to a body part. Chemotherapy medications, for instance, might be administered directly into the belly (intraperitoneal chemotherapy), chest cavity (intrapleural chemotherapy), or central nervous system (intrathecal chemotherapy). Another method of administering chemotherapy to the bladder is through the urethra (intravesical chemotherapy)
  • Chemotherapy given directly to cancer: Chemotherapy can be administered directly to the malignancy or to the surgical site where the tumor was removed. For instance, thin wafers in the form of discs containing chemotherapy medications might be positioned close to a tumor during surgery. The chemicals are released over time when the wafers degrade. Chemotherapy medications can also be injected directly into an artery or vein that supplies a tumor with blood.

One of the most popular forms of cancer treatment is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can be used alone or with other medical procedures such as surgery, radiation therapy, or other pharmacological therapies. The stage and location of your disease and your general health will determine the kind of chemotherapy you receive. Both short-term and long-term adverse effects are possible with chemotherapy. Before beginning any cancer treatment, discuss the risks and benefits with top chemotherapist in Ranchi: Dr. Satish Sharma.