Understanding Cancer Prevention: Primary Prevention, Vaccination, and Immunotherapy

Understanding about Cancer Prevention

The saying “Prevention is better than cure” may come to mind. Cancer can indeed be prevented with the help of the Best Prevention Oncologist in Ranchi. The World Health Organization estimates that between 30 and 50 percent of cancer-related fatalities could be avoided by modifying or avoiding a few risk factors contributing to the deadly disease.

Meaning of preventive oncology

It is an interdisciplinary field of medical science that seeks to prevent the growth or spread of cancer via effective preventative measures, such as lifestyle changes and the avoidance of risk factors. All of this is done by preventing cancer specialists from employing methods. Let’s start by looking at the risk factors that all malignancies share.

Stages of Prevention:

Instead of being one disease, cancer is a family of related disorders. It discusses how different cancers and risk factors might increase or decrease your likelihood of developing the deadly disease. Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention are the best stages to use in cancer prevention.

Primary Prevention: This phase involves making changes to one’s lifestyle, diet, and surroundings in addition to avoiding or eliminating all cancer risk factors, including smoking.

Cancer vaccination: Vaccines are medications developed scientifically to help treat diseases. There are different vaccination types available for a variety of ailments. The same is true of vaccinations that can prevent you from contracting cancer. Currently, only two vaccinations provide protection against cancers: those against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and those against Hepatitis B. Specific viruses and bacteria can induce cancer-causing illnesses.

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) can cause cervical, vaginal, anal, and vulvar cancer if it persists in your body for a long time. One potential is liver cancer brought on by the hepatitis B virus. These risky viral infections can be prevented if a healthy person takes vaccines without exhibiting any signs of malignancy.


This cancer therapy promotes your body’s immunity or natural defences in the fight against cancer, as the name suggests. By employing either the natural substances found in your body or manufactured pharmaceuticals, your immune system will perform better, and any cancer cells in your body will be removed entirely.

Varying immunotherapies have different impacts on distinct individuals. Other immunotherapy treatments can empower your immune system to kill cancer cells or even stop them from spreading to other organs. In contrast, some immunotherapy treatments work to urge your immune system to slow down or even stop the growth of cancer cells.

Your cancer specialist will decide if immunotherapy should be administered alone or in combination with other cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It is your best advantage to heed your oncologist’s advice when deciding on the most efficient preventive methods, given the many ground-breaking breakthroughs in cancer prevention.

Cancer, one of the deadliest diseases, is shrouded in misunderstandings and distrust. When the word “cancer” sinks in, some people may feel despair and misery. The top oncologist in Ranchi: Dr. Satish Sharma agrees that people’s fear of developing cancer has a significant negative impact on their quality of life because they are not aware of the effective early detection treatments and, more importantly, the preventive measures that can be taken to fight cancer. Contact us for the best treatment!